Management and maintenance of archaeological sites

My first extensive experience with management and maintenance I gained whilst working for the former Archaeological Monuments Watch Foundation, which focused on sustainable maintenance of archaeological sites. The inspection and monitoring of hundreds of varying archaeological objects and sites in the diverse Dutch landscape during all seasons not only was a great way to learn, but also taught me to strive, whenever possible, for the preservation of archaeological remains.

Agnes Monkelbaan

Inspection and light maintenance of Natuurmonumenten-sites

I have contributed to drafting archaeological basic descriptions and the inspection of all sites of archaeological value owned by Natuurmonumenten. In addition to archaeological data, the description consisted, among others, of the landscape setting of the location, the vegetation and the current state of the site. In conclusion, an advice regarding measures for management and maintenance were added. During the fieldwork, consultation with regional Natuurmonumenten contact persons took place, and the occasional light maintenance was carried out. The basic description is the prelude to the periodical inspection of the sites and thus functions as a baseline measurement.

Basic description of Staatsbosbeheer-sites

Commissioned by Staatsbosbeheer I have developed a format for the archaeological basic description which subsequently was used for all their sites of very high archaeological value and national monuments. In addition, a registration system was developed so that the data could be incorporated in the GIS-system to unlock the data for every employee. This data formed the starting point for a periodical inspection, so one could compare the current state of a site with the basic description and thus management measures could be adjusted, if necessary.

Frank Stevens

Baseline measurement archaeological national monuments

By order of the State Cultural Heritage Service, a baseline measurement of the Dutch archaeological national monuments on land has been carried out to obtain insight into the state and conservation. Hundreds of monuments such as megalithic tombs, burial mounds, mottes and settlements have been visually inspected, a lesser part of the monuments was additionally inspected by auger. The research was carried out jointly with main contractor BAAC and De Steekproef. D7 archaeology was involved as project leader regarding the content, due to the experience gained from similar projects.


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